Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Importance Of Insurance !

I came to realize that my purpose in this profession is more important than some people can imagine. My mother died in 1998 after a six-month battle with cancer. Just a few years earlier I convinced her to purchase a $10,000 life insurance policy to help cover her final expenses. Even though at the time her health was failing (high blood pressure, heart problems) I found a guaranteed issue life policy and she made the decision to protect her family. In my heart I am glad she made this decision, as it was hard enough to live through these last six months without the financial burdens of her final days. Just to note this was not my first experience with death, my father died when I was six years old and I spent twelve years of my life watching my mother struggling to raise two young children on federal assistance because he had limited life insurance.

I would have to say most people do not undersand the importance of life insurance until they have lived through a the tragedy of a loved ones death and the impact of inadequate insurance coverage. Many people mean well and and always plan to have the insurance they need, but too many wait until it is too late. One of the number one reasons people die without the proper coverage is procrastination...and believe me I have heard all the reasons… can’t afford it,not enough time,shopping for the right coverage, so called work coverage and many more.

I have a dream of trying to save the world but many people have to try to help themselves. I am here to help them make the right choice. As for the top two reasons, first procrastination just make time, it only takes 30 minutes to an hour to protect your family for a lifetime! Secondly money, most people can protect their loved ones for approximately $10-15 weekly and even less in some cases.

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